November brings in the time change, and with it come shorter days and cooler temperatures. Our thoughts are now turned towards holiday shopping, family gatherings, and tasty feasts. Autumn is a time of showing others our appreciation of their presence, and their time over the past year.
We’re sure you started your business with the idea of helping people. Whether your business is centered around a physical product or providing a service, you became an entrepreneur because you wanted to build relationships with people by helping them solve a problem they had. Sure, over time you may have come to enjoy the financial benefits of providing a product or service, but when you first started your business it was because you wanted to help people in some way.
Your Chaos Coordinator can help you express your thanks and the gratitude to your customers or clients with the various services we provide:
Establishing and maintaining a Customer Relationship Management system
We can organize that pile of business cards or stack of contact information you’ve been meaning to enter into your Customer Relationship Management, (CRM) database and update your database for you. Having up-to-date contact information for customers, clients, or vendors helps you stay in touch with people who are interested in your business.
Email Marketing Campaigns
With a freshly updated CRM database, you can make sure those folks know about the latest news with your business through email marketing services such as MailChimp or ConstantContact. Staying connected to your customers is an important part of nurturing the relationship you have established with them. We can set it up for you and manage it as well if you choose.
Landing Pages
For example, you’ve decided to do a marketing campaign with a contest featuring your product or service as the prize, and you need a place to send all contestants to enter their contact information? We can help you set up a landing page tailored specifically to your campaign, and then manage the influx of entries by adding new contact information to your CRM.
Handwritten Messages and Cards
Perhaps 2020 has been a truly difficult year for your business, and you want to communicate your sincerest gratitude for your customers or clients who purchased extras of your product or purchased gift cards or certificates towards future services. Content creation is one option we provide plus handwritten thank you cards, ready to be mailed once you’ve signed them. In the age of email and text message and instant messaging, a handwritten thank you card can have a significant positive impact on a customer or client.
Small business owners are acutely aware that without loyal customers or clients, their businesses could not operate. Expressing gratitude to your customers or clients for their continued support reminds them that they aren’t patronizing a large corporation who may view them as another set of dollar signs; instead, they are supporting their neighbor or friend or even a family member.
The majority of people in the world want to help other people, and there are a thousand-and-one ways to do that. We are here to help you find the best way for your business to say “Thank you” to all of those who support your business. We want to hear from you, contact us if you have a question or would like to talk more about our services.
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