Are you following your passion to do what you love and actually started your own business? If so, are you now wondering what have I done and realizing there is not enough time in the day for you to do everything to run a business? Remember you are not alone.
Try taking a breath and think about what you really want to accomplish with your business. There are many free resources available to you via online or even an accountability partner to give you focus for the next steps. You may be at a place where you need some assistance from someone who actually does the tasks that you feel overwhelmed with or dislike to do.
Think about how can an assistant help you. Take 10 minutes to develop a list of all of the recurring tasks that you do. Focus this list around 4 areas: organization, product/services, financial and marketing. Now decide if the task is something that you can delegate or is it something you really love to do. Circle the tasks you need to delegate and estimate how much time you spend completing the task. If you give these tasks to another individual to complete, you have just captured those hours back and you will be able to do what you love.
You could hire an assistant or another company to perform these tasks. Keep in mind, by hiring an assistant, you are allocating more time for you to work in your business, doing what you love while getting simple tasks off your plate. It is worth the investment!
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