Showing appreciation to all of those who support your business

Handmade written cards to give thanks to your supporters
November brings in the time change, and with it come shorter days and cooler temperatures. Our thoughts are now turned towards holiday shopping, family gatherings, and tasty feasts. Autumn is a time of showing others our appreciation of their presence, and their time over the past year. We’re sure you started your business with the idea of helping people. Whether your business is centered around a physical product or providing a service, you became an entrepreneur because you wanted to build relationships with people by helping them solve a problem they had. Sure, over time you may have come to enjoy the financial benefits of providing a product or service, but when you first started your business it was because you wanted to help people in...
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Stick to a schedule

Tips for staying on task, separating work and family life
What's your current schedule like as a business owner?  Bet it involves some time at home with not only family but work too!    Wendy Russell of Your Chaos Coordinator offers advise in Cary Magazine's  "News from the home office" for working remotely.

Standard Operating Procedures - KISS

Standard Operating Procedures - KISS
Knowing your goals Have you taken the time to set business goals for this year? Whether you set daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly goals, there should be some sort of key performance indicators that will support the goal, essentially a way to measure the results. According to “3 Performance Indicators That Will Make Or Break Your Company” 2 of the 3 key performance indicators (KPI), financial and customer focus can make or break your company. A company of any size from a solopreneur, small business to a big corporation, one way to meet your goals is to align Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to the key performance indicators (KPIs). Identify Once you have established the goal(s) and the key performance indicator(s) for your business, identify your...
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Developing your Brand

Roadmap for Business with a compass on it
You know everyone says being an entrepreneur gives you a lot of freedoms, but it also gives you a lot of decisions to make, and sometimes those are not easy. Not only do you need to figure out what business you want to be in, but you also need to research if there is a market for what you want to sell. What problem are you solving for others, who will pay for it? The next steps would be marketing it to these individuals. Everyone says oh you just need a business card and a website, simple right? Well not exactly. I had to go through a complete process of figuring out what I wanted my logo to be, and then what other information I wanted...
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Standard Operating Procedures as they apply to the small business owner

Standard Operating Procedures
            Wendy Russell of Your Chaos Coordinator explains Standard Operating Procedures as they apply to the small business owner.   #YourChaosCoordinator    

The New Day Business Roadmap

During a conversation with a small business owner, they made the statement of “you do not need to write a business plan – that’s old school.  You just need the financials to show investors.”  Well, this thinking just does not make sense and you still need to plan something out and “write” a plan in some sort of format.  Of course, the first thing I did was start to research if a written business plan was still around and as a business owner if you really need to create one.  How much could the world’s expectations for business plans change from the time I spent advising high schools students for the SkillsUSA national business plan competition?  Guess what?  The business plan did not change much and it is...
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Organize your 4th Quarter for SUCCESS

After many years of being an employee in the world of business, I jumped into the world of entrepreneurship.  I work with small business owners to help them organize their chaos while supporting the back office of their business.  I focus on calendars, content and connections. Today, I want to focus a little on the whole idea of strategic planning and using a calendar to assist you to organize some of your chaos to close out the year strong. You may think that the 4th quarter of the year is all about sales for a business, especially to get sales into the black for the year, but not necessarily.  I strongly embrace that October is International Strategic Planning Month and Financial Planning Month. All the more...
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Do You Have The Time To Follow Your Passion?

Are you following your passion to do what you love and actually started your own business?  If so, are you now wondering what have I done and realizing there is not enough time in the day for you to do everything to run a business?  Remember you are not alone.  Try taking a breath and think about what you really want to accomplish with your business.  There are many free resources available to you via online or even an accountability partner to give you focus for the next steps.  You may be at a place where you need some assistance from someone who actually does the tasks that you feel overwhelmed with or dislike to do.  Think about how can an assistant help you.  Take 10 minutes...
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  • Wendy is our team coordinator. Helping the PWD keep organized and flowing, this Chaos Coordinator makes sure everything is in order and on time. We trust her with our clients. Wendy Russell has helped our company create Standard Operating Procedures, fine-tuning each as our company grows.
  • Wendy has been our go-to person at Vibe since we opened our doors. Her top-notch organizational and admin skills makes Wendy an excellent resource for event planning, community outreach and research projects. She has become an integral part of our business and community.
  • I have been extremely pleased with Wendy’s professionalism and her skills. She is also extremely patient and keeps me on top of what I need to be on top of. She always offers sound advice and suggestions when I need them. I appreciate her ability to listen well and execute what jobs she needs to do on time. I highly recommend Wendy and Your Chaos Coordinator!
  • Wendy is an amazing virtual assistant! She helps with organizing events, writing content for our social media posts, following up with business owners who attend our events. If you need help with Content, Calendar or Connections - she's your girl!